Book Your Monthly Zoom Call With Don

To make it great, you need to do a few things which I've listed below.

1. Be Prepared - We are going to be having our call together on Zoom. Please make sure you have Zoom on your computer or phone. Make sure it works. Test it for a video call with someone. If you are going to be using your phone, make sure its charged and can stay on a call for an hour. Have your charger close by.

2. Make Sure You Selected The Correct Time and Date - Some people get confused about time. Make sure the time you selected is a time you will be free and ready to go.

3. Be On Time

4. Be prepared to answer questions and to ask questions. Have a notebook so you can take notes. Feel free to have pre-written questions. You will need to know answers to things like how many calls you made this month, how many presentations, how many new people were signed up etc.

5. If you have a partner, spouse, please try to have both of you on the call. It works better if both partners are involved and able to ask questions.

These rules will help you to gain the most from our time together.

I'm looking forward to meeting you and helping you get to the next level.

Don Reid
The Go Getters Club