Fatal Mistakes Networkers Make

Hey everybody makes mistakes, that’s part of being human. The smart humans learn from their mistakes and don’t repeat them.  The really smart humans learn from other peoples’ mistakes as well, so they don’t have to make the same mistakes themselves.

That’s the whole point of this list.  It’s to save you from having to make these mistakes.  Yeah, you probably already made a few of them, but I figure if you’re reading this you can still be saved!

Minimizing or even avoiding these fatal mistakes will help your business to grow and prosper. Obviously, the fewer mistakes you make the better and faster your business will grow.

By the way, these are not in any particular order.  These mistakes are deadly to your business so place the same high priority on all of them and avoid them all.

Let's get into this

Failure To Commit 

Burn The Boats

Legend has it that when Cortez began his conquest of the Aztec Empire he and his army were well and truly outnumbered.  When they disembarked from their ships they landed on a beach.

Cortez ordered that all the boats be burned.  There would be no turning back.  They would either win or they would perish.  

That’s commitment.

You need to be committed to your business.  Decide you’re going to do this thing and realize your life depends on you being a success.  If not, you are dooming yourself and your family to a life unfulfilled.  A life working for someone else.  A life of drudgery, frustration and regret.

Get committed!

Not Having a Big Dream

Without a Dream Nothing Happens

Everything in life starts with a dream.  It’s another word for vision.  I like it because it’s much more romantic and exciting, than vision.  

Think back to anything you ever really wanted in life.  That first car, that sparkling necklace, that girl, that boy, that house, having a child, that island vacation...everything you achieved started with you having it in your mind.  You could see it so clearly, you could taste it, feel it, see yourself wearing it, driving it, living in it.

Without a big dream to power your activity and to keep you fired up, you’re going to find it hard work building a business and you will slowly but surely start going back to your old habits.  You will find yourself sitting there watching Netflix instead of doing what it takes to earn your freedom.

Get with your partner and/or your upline and start building a dream.

My sponsor in Amway, was a master dreambuilder.  He would always be talking to me about my dream and he would help me expand it so it was huge.  At that time we were both broke and drove crappy cars.  His was an old Ford.  He really wanted a BMW.  It used to amuse me that in the center of his steering wheel he had sticky taped a paper BMW logo.  He saw that logo every single time he got in that old Ford and all the while he was driving it.

I was there the day he went to BMW and picked out his new BMW 5 series!  

This stuff works my friend, it really does.  So get to dream building.  Tomorrow, go to a luxury car dealership.  Walk in there, get the sales person to show you over a nice convertible.  Sit in it, enjoy that new car smell, feel the leather seats and the beautiful solid clunk the doors make when you close them.

Get a test drive.  Feel that power, notice how smooth it rides, your ears will love the quiet ride.

Prospect the sales person and recruit them into your business.

Take your downline to a dealership and help them build their dream.

The dream is the fuel that drives your business, that’s how important it is!

Beat Teachable

Being a “Know It All” is Fasttrack to Failure

You’re new to Networking.  You don’t know how to do it.  You don’t have a better idea.  Shut up, listen to your leaders and learn.  Until you have big runs on the board, no one cares about your “experience” in sales or business.  

So many times I’ve seen new people come onboard declaring how experienced they are in sales.  “I don’t need to learn how to make calls, I used to work in a call center” Wow really, how is it you’re not rich and free if you know so much?

I hate to admit, when I was first recruited I was running two brick and mortar businesses.  One was a real estate agency and the other an electrical contractor.  I had no time, I worked 15 hours a day and got blackout drunk every Friday night.

I thought I knew everything.  My sponsor had to kick my butt until I became teachable.  Then and only then did I go onto build a nice sized business that prived my family with a much needed income.

Get over yourself.  Be humble and teachable.  Follow your leaders teachings.

Don’t Be a Loner

Find an Upline Leader

Sure sometimes you might have a sponsor / upline that is not much chop.  That happens.  You need to stop blaming them and start searching upline.  

Somewhere upline is a leader who is walking the walk.
They are putting the business together fast and furious.
They are always hitting higher levels and you see them speaking at company functions. Go get in their face!  Ask them to mentor you, to keep you accountable and to keep you focused on winning.

Nobody builds a successful NM (network marketing) business without help from upline.  Don’t doom your family to a mediocre life when by reaching out and finding a leader willing to work with you can make all the difference.

Edify Upline, Downline, The Company, The Products, Everything

Be a Positive Force

Whenever you’re talking about your upline, downline, crossline, the company, the products, the system, be positive.  Build everything up, never tear things down by being negative.

When you edify your upline to new people they will listen intently when your upline speaks to them.  Example: Bob Smith, is an amazing leader. He has grown a huge business in a short time.  He is very generous with his advice.  I hope to introduce you to him soon.

This is an important tip and if you do it all the time your downline will duplicate you and you will begin seeing momentum.

Skipping Out On Events.

Your upline and your company put on events for many reasons.  Events drive business growth.  They get people excited and they have renewed vigor and get out there a build.  

Attending ALL upline events that you qualify for is mandatory for those who become a success in this game. Non attendance will be noted by both your upline and downline.  Your upline will figure, you’re not serious anymore and your downline will figure you’re quitting and they will do the same as you.

Your job is to get your tickets, transport and accommodation sorted out early.  Be excited about the event and promote it constantly.  Everyone in your downline should be sick of hearing about the event. Don’t stop until they all have a ticket.

Take as many people as possible to the event.  Be like a sheepdog.  Don’t let them out of your sight.  Keep them together, keep them excited.

Making Up Stories About Income Potential

Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day

Some folks get all excited and simply churn out made up figures about how much money they and others are making.  This makes an unrealistic expectation with the person you are telling these nursery rhymes to.  They believe you and think they can be a millionaire in a few weeks.

You know that’s not going to happen.  When they find out the truth, they will be shattered and never believe anything you say again.  That’s not what you wanted to happen, is it

Be honest, be real and help the new people understand there is huge potential in NM but like all good things, it takes time to put it all together.  Hold them in until they find their feet and can get on to building a huge business which brings them happiness.


The Worst Decision Ever

Yes everyone gets to the point they want to quit.  In fact 97% do it.  Honestly, the only way to fail at this business is to quit.  If you never quit, you have to succeed (sooner or later).  

Give yourself a fighting chance.  Always protect your attitude, stay away from negative people.  Stick to your upline leaders like glue.  Spend as much time as you can with them, without being a stalker ok :)

If you feel like quitting, don’t be a coward and just go ahead and do it.  Your upline invested time with you.  You owe it to them to go and talk it out with them.  

Only quitters quit.

Not Following Up

After you have done a presentation you need to set a day and time to do the follow up.  This should be no longer than 48 hours after the presentation.  If the presentation was them watching a video.  

Then the follow up should be right after they watched the video.Follow up is like having sex.  It’s the part where you’re lying there together having a smoke and feeling good. Don’t blow the whole thing by jumping out of bed, getting dressed only to never be seen again!

No one likes that guy.

Do the follow up how your leader taught you.  Give the new prospect a chance at a happy life and happy ending ;)

Not Doing The Work

Doing Busy Work

Yes lots of people simply don’t do the work required to build and grow a successful NM business.

Reading the catalog, watching videos, rearranging your products are busy work.  Sure they take up your time and make you feel good but they are very low priority activities and do not add even one person to your downline.

The real work are these activities: Prospecting, Calling Leads, Presenting, Following Up, Recruiting, Training and Personal Development.

No work equals no freedom

Not Being Accountable

Consult With Your Upline

Your upline leader has been where you are. They have gained more experience and developed business building skills. They know the numbers, meaning they know how many presentations it takes to recruit x number of new people into the business.

You need to learn what the numbers are and shoot to do those numbers every month. Month after month. To keep you on track you need to be calling or visiting your upline leader every week and honestly reporting how many presentations you did, follow ups, and how many new people you recruited.

Seek advice and guidance from them. Listen and take notes. Don’t give excuses, you either did the work or you didn’t.

At the end of the meeting, book another meeting for next week.

Being accountable to your upline, your partner and yourself is mandatory for success.

Not Reading Positive Books

15 Minutes Per Day

Our brains are like muscles, if you don’t use them they wither. Reading develops your brain and helps you develop people and leadership skills.

I know, most of us don’t like to read because it reminds us of school and work. But, trust me on this, positive books will increase your income by making you much better at dealing with people.

You want more money, right?

Make sure to be a leader for your downline, encourage them to read by talking to them about books you read. They will duplicate you.

OK, that’s probably enough to keep you on the right track!  

Sure there will be other mistakes you see being made and some you will make yourself.  Don’t be too hard on yourself and others, we’re all human.

The important thing is to check anything you’re not sure of with your upline leader. 

Help your downline to avoid these mistakes as well

We’re looking forward to seeing you on the beaches of the world….soon

Don Reid

Needs Some Help Getting There?

Do you really want to be free and living your dream in the next 12 months? 

People who are ready and willing to do the work, make the calls, learn the skills and commit to doing it EVERY MONTH for 12 months are going to be meeting on the beaches of the world

Watch this video for an
important message from Don Reid

Watch This Video From Don Reid

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PS: I’ve listed below some resources which you might find very helpful in your quest for success.

Resources For You To Build Faster and Easier

Positive Books

I mentioned what I call “positive books” in the 12 Fatal Mistakes Networkers Make.  I call them that because they have such a positive effect on your brain when you read them.  

To help you get started, I’ve listed a few of my favorites which you can buy on Amazon

How To Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

How To Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

The Richest Man In Babylon - George S Clason

The Richest Man In Babylon - George S Clason

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! - Robert T. Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! - Robert T. Kiyosaki

Freakishly Effective Leadership for Network Marketers: How to Reduce Frustration, Drive Massive Duplication and Become a Leader Worth Following - Ray Higdon 

Freakishly Effective Leadership for Network Marketers: How to Reduce Frustration, Drive Massive Duplication and Become a Leader Worth Following - Ray Higdon

Freakishly Effective Social Media for Network Marketing: How to Stop Wasting Your Time on Things That Don't Work and Start Doing What Does! - Ray Higdon

Freakishly Effective Social Media for Network Marketing: How to Stop Wasting Your Time on Things That Don't Work and Start Doing What Does! - Ray Higdon

Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional - Eric Worre

Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional - Eric Worre

Cheat Sheets

We figured you might like some quick tips to help, so we put together a bunch of very cool Network Marketing Cheat Sheets on a whole range of subjects.   Go grab some right here

Cheat Sheets

Big Business Boost

Business Boost

Grab these two PDF’s and enjoy up to 76% boost in your business 

Sick of hearing "no" and objections from leads?

Want a lot more "yes" answers from your prospects?

Want to overcome your fear of the phone?

Get the solutions here

Mobile Leads Ninja

Discover the Amazing Legal and Ethical System to Getting Thousands of Excited Leads Calling You at The Press of a Button

Mobile Leads Ninja

No Limits Course

When I first got into Network Marketing, there was no such thing as leads.  We had to develop the skill of prospecting people.  

It’s a skill definitely worth having and when you have it, you will never be short of prospects for your business.

No Limits By Don Reid (Free when joining the Go Getters Club)

No Limits By Don Reid

If you enjoyed this training, please feel free to encourage your business associates to pick up a free copy for themselves at this link:
